Thursday, April 10, 2008

Whidbey News Times Article

The April 9 edition of the Whidbey News Times (front page) has published an article about the use of blogs for various projects at the City

Fellow Senior Planner, Cac Kamak was quoted in the article discussing this new use of blogs for City projects: “It’s like a virtual, on-demand City Hall. People can chime in at anytime and have their issues addressed”. This is evident in the fact that to date this blog has received over 150 unique visitors, with over half returning repeatedly to gather more information about this project.

You can now participate in conversations and meetings without being in the same place, or at the same time together, by coming to the blog when it's convenient. As more of you participate in the process the more complex, interconnected, and holistic the "solutions" can become. This way you can have a direct impact on your community.

When visiting also remember to check out the archive section for past posts!

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