Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Subdivision Entrance Designs

Early on in this Project the members of the Planning Commission expressed interest in developing design parameters for subdivision entrance features. Some of the concern was to ensure that these features are well maintained and fitting with adjacent buffer/landscape areas. These entrance features can act as reference points, or gateways into a new neighborhood/subdivision; and help define a sense of place for the area.

Over the past few years these features have become more prominent, and larger in scale. This may be due to changing aesthetic trends and larger development size. Staff are not aware of any instance of concern for these features in terms of negative impacts.

The location of any such feature must not conflict with sight lines for roadways and is regulated through the application review phase by engineering standards for road safety. Additionally, the maintenance of these features are the responsibility of the respective homeowners' associations. In fact the maintenance of all commonly owned property/tracks in new subdivisions are typically the responsibility of the homeowners' associations; and these requirements can be found on the recorded subdivision plats.

Staff will review the maintenance, buffer, and landscape requirements defined in the code to ensure there are no conflicts. This will fit within the ten areas of direction defined at the conclusion of the first phase analysis for this project.

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